Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beach Trip!

September 6th is Jerry and my wedding anniversary. Since we're not really ready to leave little Aubrey, we decided to take her down to Galveston for a little surf and seafood! It wasn't a sunny day (thank goodness!) but she was too cute with the breeze in her face. I'm not sure she knew quite what to make of things, haha!

Happy Family! 
I don't know if you've ever tried to get a 3 month old to look at the camera on cue, 
but it's nearly impossible, haha!

Taking it all in... she looks so cute!

 Trying to decide what to order at Casey's... YUUUM!!

I really really tried with the hat, but she was just having NONE of it!

Momma and baby on the pier at Murdoch's

Snuggling with her bankey on the ride home... 

It's a good thing we left when we did... Tropical Storm came through just after we left, LOL! Oops.